signs that your horse
may benefit from treatment
If your horse is demonstrating any of the following he may benefit from a soft tissue and joint mobilisation treatment.
Performance Issues
Muscular tension and joint restrictions can be the cause of a number of performance issues
Short or uneven stride lengths
Intermittent lameness
Incorrect canter lead
Disunited in canter
Problems with lateral work
Hollowing of the back
Head carriage issues eg. Lack of poll flexion, head tilting, over high (or low) head carriage
Stiff on one rein or lack of bend
Unwilling to work correctly on the bit
Difficulty with hillwork
Bucking, rearing, bolting, napping
Toe dragging
Not engaging hindquarters
Uncharacteristic refusal of fencing or knocking them down
Jumping flat or to one side
Difficulty with transitions
Horse not working on 2 tracks
Inability to halt square
Difficulty in lengthening and/or shortening strides
Behavioural Issues
Remember that the only way our horses have of communicating any discomfort to us is through their behaviour:
Unhappy being tacked up, groomed or rugged up
Not standing still to mount
Kicking out
Sour to handle on the ground
Generally unhappy/depressed
Chronic Issues
Your horse will also benefit from treatment in the following circumstances:
Muscle atrophy (wastage) of certain muscles
Muscle hypertrophy (over-development) of certain muscles
Asymmetry to muscle development (uneven when one side is compared to the other)
Your horse has suffered a fall, injury or has been cast
Your horse has had an ill-fitting saddle
Your horse experiences delayed recovery post exertion
Conformational issues
Rider imbalance
Dental issues
Poor foot balance
Repetitive training
Introducing a new level of training
Your horse is recovering from injury or illness
Please be aware that Soft Tissue and Joint Mobilisation Therapy is not a replacement for veterinary care. Veterinary consent is required before treatment is commenced and I will refer you to your veterinary surgeon for treatment if required.